Sunday, 29 September 2013

September AGM

We commenced half an hour early to complete the AGM and business meeting to leave enough time for our speaker Heather Welburn.  Her talk was entitled 'From Nought to De Quervain's in 6 years' which intrigued us all but was very entertaining.  There was lots of lovely work for us all to look at which is always good.

As usual, at the September meeting we ask the speaker to judge the Rose Bowl Competition.  This years topic was 'A Summer Garden' and we had quite a good number of entries this year.  The winner was Jane Raines with her stunning knot garden in canvas work.  It was her own design based on the one at Sewerby Hall.  This is Janes piece:
There were lots of other lovely entries too.

This last piece is a dress made by Imelda but she wouldn't demonstrate it for us.

The speaker also brought lots of lovely pieces of work and here are a few of those.

Susie brought some trays of Maderia machine embroidery threads that she had left over from when she owned a shop and we all had a lovely time purchasing them from her and she kindly made a donation to the branch. 

The coach for the Knitting and Stitching show is filling up quite quickly this year so if you haven't booked yet, please do so.

Jackie and Ann have arranged to do a 'Make and Take' hour in November starting at 11am.  They will be doing some christmas cards and decorations that are predominantly gold work.  There will be a 50p charge for materials.  They are also preparing a patchwork workshop for beginners.  They asked if anyone was interested and as 13 or more people said yes, it will be going ahead.  Keep a look out for the date.

We have lost a few members this year but welcomed one new one, Janet.  Plans are afoot now to try and get some more members this year.


Monday, 9 September 2013

September Meeting

I am afraid I was a way for the July Meeting but I understand that Yvonne Brown gave an exceptionally good talk on 'The Story so far - the Developement of my Work'.

28th September will be the AGM and I will try to keep it short!  There are no members of the committee leaving this year, however, if you would like to join us in the running of the Branch, please let me know and we can put it on the Agenda.  Liz would like to finish as Treasurer next year so if anyone is prepared to take that post on, have a word with her and we can arrange for you to shadow her for a while.

The cake stall went very well and we raised about £120 for funds.  We also met lots of people we knew and had a very pleasant morning.  Hopefully we have also got a couple of new members as well.

Don't forget the Bowes Museum trip on the 26th September if you have put your name down.  It is 8.30 at Ayton Village Hall, 9am at Eastgate Car Park, Pickering and about 9.15 at Helmsley Garage.