Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Summer School

Four of us went to the Regional Summer School this year and as usual we had a wonderful weekend.  Kate Andre, Chris Gray, Midori Matsushima and Kate Slaughter all provided us with excellent workshops and plenty of work to do.
Moira and Christina did printing and dyeing with Kate Andre and boy were they busy.  They left with piles of samples and a nice workbook to keep them in.  Diane worked with Chris Gray and they produced some lovely Sashiko style pieces some of which were printed, some machine stitched and some hand stitched.  Some interesting ideas to take away.
Anita had a quiet weekend hand sewing with Kate Slaughter.  Sixteen ladies produced small landscapes and flower designs using textured thread and stitches.
As always, the food and service was excellent and the weather kept fine for us to look round the animals and the walled garden.  As weekends go, this one takes a lot of beating.

June Meeting

I managed to get here for the whole of the afternoon and be able to listen to our speaker Anne Brooke.  What a treat that was.  There was loads of lovely work to look at and her talk was just as interesting.  I didn't get chance to chat with many members as I was quite late but everyone seemed to be busy working.
Next years fees will be £83.  That will include: Guild membership to HQ, Regional subs, Branch subs and teas/coffees for each meeting next year, so there is nothing to pay when you come to the meeting.

Here are a few photographs I took of Anne's work with her permission.