Sunday, 8 October 2017

September Meeting

We had a full house nearly at our new venue in Snainton.  It is a lovely big room with plenty of light although the ceiling is high which makes it a bit noisy but we have all seemed to settle in.  Today was also our AGM which we went through as quickly as possible so that we could listen to our speaker, Andrew Clay who gave a very enjoyable talk on The Royal Jewels.  Going back to Queen Mary, he explained the difference between the Crown Jewels, jewels that belong to the Royals and the Queen's private collection.  The photographs were stunning, the amount of jewellery worn by Queen Mary and Queen Alexander was incredible and the dresses were just as impressive.  A really good talk that kept everyone discussing it afterwards.  Shame he didn't have any samples to show us!  Andrew is the Manager of Woodend Creative space in Scarborough and does two or three different talks and they are all very good.
We asked Andrew to judge our annual Rose Bowl Competition, the topic of which was Pantomime. There were a number of entries but the winner was Nikki Brown with her beanstalk interpretation.  I would love to have taken some pictures but didn't have a camera with me but I hope to get some from other members to put on this page as soon as I can.
We are all bringing together work for the exhibition at Nunnington Hall which is coming up very soon.  The dates for the exhibition are on the side panel, please come and look round a lovely house and see all the work we have been doing.
The Mystery Stitchery is moving along, people are getting the hang of what we are doing and are making plans for how to put the various pieces of work together when they are all finished.

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