Well, I did remember to take my camera for photographs this month but then I got tied up with making teas and missed the opportunity to take any.
Our speaker this month was our own member Janet Lewthwaite who has had an amazing life in embroidery. She learnt under the tutelage of Beryl Dean so you can imagine the wonderful work she produces, especially ecclesiastical embroideries. She told us some amusing stories of lessons in the local college and how one piece of her work was copied by 'Penelope' after it had been on display at an exhibition.
The Christmas trees are still coming in and we have now started on a new venture. Laureen has devised another 'Mystery Stitchery' for us to work on. We each pay £2 for a set of instructions which is for just part of the finished article. Each month we buy the next set of instructions and working at home so no one else can see, we gradually work towards a finished piece. The trick is, you don't know what the finished piece is going to be. A number of members took their first instructions so it will be interesting to see next year, what we have all finished up with.
The exhibition at Nunnington Hall in November/December looks as though it will be really good so check out the dates and come and see us. On some dates there will be workshops for children to make a felt snowman with kits costing £1 (adults can join in too). On all the dates there will be members stitching and talking to visitors.