Our speaker today was Julia Burns who runs a company called Red Hen. She produces a range of gift cards and writing sets and also sells limited edition prints of her designs. You can purchase her goods in shops like John Lewis and Harrods. The really interesting thing is, all her designs are made using potato prints! She demonstrated cutting a potato and printing with it and described how she produced the more complicated designs. We were also given an insight into the world of business and trying to get onto the ladder with your own products.
This is one of her designs the original Red Hen which she printed today. You get three different prints by not recharging the paint. The comb, wattle and legs are hand painted on afterwards.
Some of Julia's designs and products. Several of us couldn't resist buying these notecards.
Moira has been travelling the country looking at the Capability Brown exhibitions and she gave us a brief overview of the ones she had seen. Not to be missed if you get the chance is Ickworth in Norfolk and Leyburn. Although this one has now finished at Leyburn, we believe it is going on elsewhere so if anyone knows anything can they let us know.