Our membership has fallen this year by about 5 but we are hoping to have one or two newcomers next month. Although a few people were missing this time for various reasons we still had a lively meeting. The committee spent the morning planning the exhibition which will be on the 8th and 9th April at Farndale again. We will be setting up on the Thursday at 6pm, quite late in the day but the room is in use prior to that. Moira and Janet are going to make us some very stylish bunting to hang outside the venue.
The travelling journal is going really well with 4 pages already completed and on its way to the next one.
Several people have put their names down to complete work for the Capability Brown project so we should have a good representation there.
As usual I forgot my camera (even my new one that my daughter bought me for Christmas/birthday) and I missed getting some lovely shots of the speakers work. Angela Cole gave an informative talk about willow and hazel and how her and her partner had set up business making garden items and fencing. While giving this talk she also made a lovely wigwam for plants to climb up. I purchased two of her flowers and have managed to photograph these at home.
These come with long hazel stalks so that you can stand them in your garden but I think I am going to attach mine to the garage wall which is a rather blank space. Angela normally sells these through one of the florists in Malton. I can't remember the name right now but if you are interested, contact me and I will find out for you.