Our AGM today which was well attended again and what a good day we had. After all the business we had a quiz with Angela Fawcett and I don't think I have ever attended such a jolly AGM anywhere. We split into groups and the winners were Janet, Christina and Lindsay who all ended up with a lot of chocolate.
Today was also the day we judged our Rosebowl Competition and Angela did this for us. A difficult job, choosing a winner from the nine entries. The topic was Winter and the winner was Christina with her lovely jug. Apparently, this was based on something she had seen in Stitch Magazine. This is the second year running that Christina has won the bowl so she should have a place ready set aside for it!
Christina with her winning entry.
We have got a bit more information about the Capability Brown exhibition that will be at Scampston Hall next year and will be on all through the summer from May to September.
Our piece of work for the Regional AGM 'Chairman's Challenge' os almost complete and looks very nice. It certainly complies with the request for something small and beautiful.