Wednesday, 8 July 2015

June Meeting

Sorry this is so late but I have been decorating my dining room and then I have been away on a wonderful workshop with Sarah Burgess and Distant Stitch.  It was an excellent weekend and we worked really hard, I was so tired I slept through an apparently very loud thunderstorm.

We had another good meeting in June, lots of things to discuss and we are becoming involved in lots of different things such as the Capability Brown project and the repairs to my local church altar frontal which will give us a small exhibition in the church later this year.  Watch out for the dates.

Our speaker this month was one of our members, Colleen who spoke about 'Just a Bag' a very interesting talk which started out describing a friends reactions to Colleen wining a prize for a bag she had made.  Needless to say, this friend does not appreciate the finer arts of embroidery.  As always with Colleen, the talk was entertaining and there was lots of work for us to look at but as usual, I forgot my camera and so cannot share them with you.

No blog next month as I am away and as we don't  meet in August, it will be September before I have a meeting to blog about. However, if there is any news or information you need to know, I will put it here.

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