Tuesday, 3 February 2015

January Meeting

I am still having problems with blogger, I cannot upload photographs, it keeps telling me that it has lost the connection to the server.  If anyone out there has any idea how to remedy this I would be grateful for some advice.

We had a good meeting with one new member joining and four visitors, some of whom we hope will join next month.  We had a lively discussion about the changes proposed to the Guild and some questions were sent to HQ from this.  Terry has already replied to these and where possible they have been forwarded to members.

There were a few items on the finished display but I think most people have had some time out over the christmas holidays.

Our speaker was Cluny Chapman who gave an interesting talk on Archaeological Inspiration and it certainly was inspirational.  You could spend a lifetime using archaeology as a basis for your designs.  Her work was beautiful and was much admired as were her rare breed sheep!

Although it wasn't a very nice day, I think everyone was glad to get out and meet up with friends again.