Tuesday, 28 October 2014

October Meeting

Today we presented our advent calendar, that we made for the Regional AGM challenge, to Cath Temple who will take it to the local Guides and Brownies to raffle for their own funds.  We also made a decision on our new Rose Bowl Challenge for 2015 and it will be 'Winter'.  You can do any technique or any item but it must have a winter theme.

Some of the members recently went on a trip to the Royal Armouries at Leeds.  It was organised by another local group who are doing work on a theme or 'Warriors' so it was an appropriate place for them to go.  We all had an enjoyable day and everyone got some ideas for future projects.

We have another 'Make and Take' session coming up next month and we are doing 'Christmassy Things' similar to the items in this photograph.

We also had a selection of the flowers that Brenda showed us last month that people have got finished and one item even included into a cushion cover.

Next month we are having another patchwork day and will be making a christmas table runner or a table centre, whichever you prefer.

Christmas lunch is booked for the 13th December at the Crossways so anyone not yet booked who would like to go can you contact me as soon as possible and I will get your name on the list.

We are hoping to have a joint meeting with Hull Branch and do two 'Make and Take' sessions at the March meeting.  They are only a very small Branch and don't have much opportunity for workshops so hopefully this will be the start of many joint ventures.

We had a very enjoyable talk from Gina Smith about her 'Travels with a Needle' who brought along some lovely pieces of work for us to drool over and who gave us an entertaining journey through her holidays and trips to some very exotic places and some not so exotic but just as beautiful.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Regional AGM

This year Ryedale Branch hosted the Regional AGM at Scarcroft near Leeds.  It was a busy day for the seven of us that went but we managed OK and had an enjoyable time meeting up with other branch members.

We provided tea and coffee for the morning, lunch and afternoon with some luscious cakes made by our members.  We also ran the raffle for the Region and a sales table that we made £80 on for our branch.  So a worthwhile trip.  The speaker was excellent and provided much discussion among members about multi-cultural groups.  I was lucky enough to win a raffle prize and went home with some wine and chocolates along with a colourful hand made bag, so that was my evening sorted with Lewis on the TV that I had recorded earlier.

These are the members of Ryedale who worked so hard all day.  Thanks to Jackie for making the sashes which received several compliments.

Hanging over the front of the table is our new banner bag.  It has a number of squares made by members and all put together by Jackie.  You can just see our banner in the background and now it can be transported around much more safely.
The next photos show some of the entries in the Chairman's Challenge which was once again won by Leeds Branch.

The winning entry are the small hangings next to our advent calendar, not a very good photograph I'm afraid but they were voted best by all the members present.  Now I have to go and reveal to our members the new challenge for next year, hope they all like it!