Saturday, 26 January 2013

January Meeting Cancelled

The sudden fall of snow last night has caused me to cancel today's meeting.  As you can see from my front garden, I am running out of space to put the shovelled snow.  It's certainly keeping me fit.

Make use of all this white stuff and try some Snow Dyeing.  Disolve one tablespoon of soda crystals in half pint of warm water.  Double up quantities until you have enough liquid to cover your fabric.  Soak some cotton fabric in the liquid.  Place a sheet of glass or similar in your sink or bowl at an angle.  Lay the fabric on the glass then cover it with snow.  Sprinkle powder dyes over the snow and wait for it to melt and dye your fabric.  I have got some interesting colour and patterns from the pieces I have done.

Hopefully by next month all this will have gone and we can get out again and get back to normal.