Another busy meeting, especially for the Treasurer, collecting subs and Knitting and Stitiching Show payments.
The Christmas lunch is to be at The Manse on Saturday 8th December at 12.30 for 1pm. If you haven't booked yet can you contact Janet Coe. There was a small display of work in Lutradur and Evalon for members who had bought the fabric in our bulk order but weren't aware of the many different ways you can use it.
Jackie has put together some ideas for the new bag to carry the banner in and it was agreed to go with the machine embroidered squares alternated with hand embroidered squares patchworked together with sashes. The colour theme will be brown backgrounds with pink and green embroidery and pink sashes.
Anita had made one of the pincushions up so that everyone could see how we can attach the stitched top to the base and they should work quite well.
The Rose Bowl challenge for next year will be 'A Summer Garden'. Any technique and it must have been made within the last two years.
We had an interesting talk from Christine Shaw with 'Not a Hexagon in Sight'. Christine is well known in the area for her patchwork and is a friend of many of the members. The work that she brought to show us was amazing, some of it is shown below.