Sunday, 15 April 2012

Wonderful Exhibition!!

The black & white and 1970's displays

Finishing the setting up

Members catching up on their stitching
First we thought the weather had let us down, the warm sunshine in March had made the daffodils flower early but then the cold spell last week kept them going and there was still a lovely display to encourage walkers to come and see them.  Then there was snow last weekend at Farndale and it took out the electricity for a few days but by Thursday things were starting to look better.  We set up Thursday afternoon and Friday morning we all arrived in a shower of rain.  The hardy walkers started to arrive and disappeared into the countryside, the sun came out and more cars started to come in.  By lunchtime we had a steady stream of visitors all of whom enjoyed our displays.  Saturday started with a blizzard but again the sun got the better of the clouds and although not such a warm day, we still had plenty of people coming through the door.

We would particularly like to thank the members of Guisborough Branch and York Branch who came out specially to support us.  All our members who came up to help or just visit enjoyed themselves, chatting with friends as well as visitors who were interested in our work.  Special thanks to Phil and Avril who manned the tea room for two days and did a sterling job.  You couldn't see them for all the cakes that had been provided.

The whole success of the day was entirely due to the beautiful work provided by our members.  Lots of new pieces never seen before, traditional and modern and of a standard to match the best in the country.  We did two feature tables, one in the centre of work done in either black, white or black and white which gave a very dramatic effect.  The other table was of work that members had done in the 1970's and it provided a wondeful contrast of designs, colours and stitches with the work that we are all doing today.

Another thank you to York Branch for loaning us their 'Rainbow Squares'.  The orange make a lovely contrast with our brown squares and make a really good display together.

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