Saturday, 7 January 2012

Keeping working!

I have been using one of my purchases from the Knitting and Stitching Show.  This is a thermofax screen and is used just like a screen print.  I have used mine with bleach on a piece of velvet from Oliver Twist's.  There are two designs of flowers and I have added some embroidered leaves and grasses and a few beads.  I made it into a jewellery bag for my daughter for Christmas so I can't bring it to the meeting to show you but I can bring a sample I have done and hopefully another piece I have started for our exhibition in April.

1 comment:

  1. Now, you have inspired me! I bought a similar (not exactly the same)thermofax screen at Harrogate, and it is sitting in my 'to do' box. I feel challenged to something equally lovely with mine.

    Lesley Rutherford ( Keswick Embroiderers Guild)
