Sunday, 30 October 2011

October Meeting

We have finally sorted out a new Chairman, which will be me, Anita Cassedy and the post of Treasurer will be taken on by Liz Clark and Isobel Goforth is the Secretary.  We have also had two new people volunteer for the committee so we are now up to strength.
 Plans are going ahead for an exhibition in the Spring at Farndale.  We hope to coinside with the flowering of the daffodils there and cash in on the extra visitors that this attracts.  As a central theme for the exhibition we hope to display a selection of members work on the subject 'Black and White'.  You can work in any medium and your piece can be all black, all white or black and white, we don't mind.
The Rosebowl competition for next year will be a Chatelaine.  This must comprise of at least three pieces and can be done in any medium.  Judging will be at the AGM as usual.
We had a fascinating demonstration of paper making by Niki Hanson of Pulpitations.  Making your own paper is much easier nowadays, no more soaking in buckets for weeks - you just put it in the liquidiser!
Don't forget to keep working at those postcards.  November is the month to bring them in and finish them.

Machine Embroidery Workshop

This was our fourth workshop with Eileen Gibson and yet again we had a great day.  There was much splashing of paint crumpling of tissue paper and crimping of metal.  After preparing our backgrounds we then attached metal shims with our sewing machines.  One or two of us were a bit nervous of this process but the courage to try was found and we all produced a number of interesting pieces.  I completed mine this week into a little book using a tecnique of colouring pages that I had just learnt at an Art Van Go workshop with Francis Pickering.  Below are some of the work that was produced.