Monday, 30 May 2011

June Meeting

As you all probably know, the June meeting with Kathleen Laurel Sage will be an open meeting.  There will be no charge for visitors and tea and cake will be provided.  That means, can members bring a cake or buns with you to put out.  Anything left can you take home again.  If there is anyone looking at this blog who would like to come, can you post a comment so that we can have some idea of numbers.  The business meeting will start at 1pm so that we can do tea and cake before the speaker at 2pm.  Look forward to seeing you all.

A few completed crewel work samples

Here at last are a few of the samples of crewel work everyone did with Phillipa Turnbull.  It's a shame they are all the same design because there were quite a number of different ones done on the day.  However, they all look good.  You will notice that Janet's still has the embroidery hoop marks on it, she finished stitching it minutes before I took the photograph.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Royal Wedding Lace

There is a short press release on the Royal School of Needlwork website giving details of the lace that they made for Kate's wedding dress which is quite interesting.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Pass It On

The Pass It On competition for young people who are not members of a Young Embroiderer's Group is picking up pace. 

Our branch has definately one group entry and possibly a second on its way and a couple of individual entries.  I hope everyone else it taking up the challenge.

We have had additional sponsorship for the competition from Coates and Boyes Stores so the winners will get a nice goody bag as well as a monetary prize.

Meeting 0n 30th April

Well, I took loads of lovely photo's of everyone's work and somehow I have managed not to save them (had to use my phone as I had forgotten my camera) so you will have to take my word for it that it was all lovely.

First we had two finished items from last month's workshop with Phillipa Turnbull and one piece still in progress.  Come on ladies, there were over twenty of you there and only two finished items.  I did spot a couple of people busy with their competition entries for Regional Day so they are excused but we need a few more samples next month and then maybe I can get a decent photo if I remember my camera.

We must be the first branch to have started our christmas decorations this week.  Ann Lancaster, who was originally booked for our November meeting, had to cancel because of the weather so we re-scheduled for April and we have been making peg angels and Yorkshire Daisies for our christmas trees.  How organised are we?

An outing has been arranged to Ripon and Lotherton Hall where there is an exhibition on The Native Americans of the Plains.  Details are on the Branch news page.